I am a huge proponent of game jams as being one of the best ways to learn practical development skills and have (sometimes stressful) fun doing so. I’ve participated in a lot of game jams (guesstimate of about 15?) and hope to do many more.
Here’s a selection of a few of my favourite projects I’ve worked on:
Hey Can You Play

Hey Can You Play is one of my favourite game jam entries I’ve ever made. Me and Sophie really put our all into making a unique fun game with the restriction of “10 Seconds or Under”
In HCYP you are a DJ tasked with juggling many fiddly controls on your deck to queue up song requests and get that sound just right! Do your best to impress Angela and make a bumping club night!
Check it out and give it a play at LDJam here!
Duck Jam

Duck Jam is the product of realising a game jam had started 4 hours prior and a burst of inspiration. It’s a fun little competitive party game where players play as ducks collecting peas and bread, hungry hippos style. There’s a dedicated quack button, because of course there is.
Go quacking mad with friends and try it out here!

//roboMODE is a 2D metroidvania platformer made for the BigMode game jam and my favourite project to date! In the game you play as P1NG, a little robot left behind after some cosmic event left Earth uninhabitable, tasked with sending the signal out to the skies to call everybody home.
//roboMODE is the largest scope jam I’ve done and it had a superstar team to go with it! Of course my ever-brilliant artist friend Sophie Boon was there, but we also took the opportunity to work with people we met during the jam to fill in gaps in our specialties. We had Jasmine who did wonderful work in getting all P1NG’s little beeps, boops, and bumps nailed down and was instrumental in keeping everything organised and on track. We also had Rodrigo who (amongst defending against hornets and dealing with power cuts in Brazil) put together amazing music for all stages of the game, giving it a super professional feel for a jam game.